Welcome to Summer Academy where we strive to bring back the FUN in Learning and where we want to create Magical Memories for the students. How do we do that you wonder? The teachers in Summer Academy make the classes FUN, Educational, Inter-active, Creative and Memorable. So enjoy our Website and we are looking forward working with YOU and your Children.
Yan Widjaja (Founder of Summer Academy)

Who is Summer Academy and how can we work together?
In Summer Academy, we create a FUN, Interactive and Safe Learning Environment where the Students can explore their strengths.
Our Mission is to create Fantastic Magical Memories where the students can cherish these special moments, even years after graduating from our unique school. Summer Academy focuses on what the students are becoming instead of what they are able to do only.
Summer Academy’s Educational Goals:
To provide students a conducive environment where they can explore their strengths;
To encourage Leadership and Personality Development;
To develop Speaking, Communication and Presentation Skills;
To teach students how to Apply and Transfer Knowledge;
To prepare students for Tomorrow’s World.

Summer Academy focuses on the following: Problem-Solving Skills, Teamwork, Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Social & Ethical Values, Integrity, Adaptability, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Pro-Active Thinking, Self Confidence, Love for Learning and more...
Our Philosophy and Mission
To create a solid foundation to meet tomorrow’s challenges with Confidence, Passion and Integrity;
Creating Leaders for tomorrow, today...
Based on our three pillars: Love, Respect and Communication;
Creating a Conducive Environment where Students and Teachers can explore their Strengths.

Summer Academy is a “Learning School” which means that the school itself is constantly on a learning and exploratory process of improving and rediscovering new ideas and approaches in working with our students. Over the years, we have out put together a wonderful mix of an International Curriculum, and teaching methologies, where the student’s learning process is the main focus.
Our school encourages Leadership and Personality development with the goal of preparing them for tomorrow’s World. Summer Academy offers a safe environment with a lot of individual attention where the students and teachers can discover their full potential.
The element of “Play” is very important in our school. We believe that students will learn better through the “Play” element. So before embarking on the fantastic learning journey at SA, parents have to understand this principle and realise that learning is not a cookie-cutter process. And it’s not about chasing grades. Each student will learn in his/her own pace and level. SA creates a platform where the students can discover their unique strengths, talent and passion. We allow them to make mistakes and learn from it; we focus on developing and nurturing the students’ character. Once this is built, we believe the students will be able to face any challenges in life.

Making a Difference
We look for teachers with an obvious LOVE for Life and for working with Children! Our teachers come from a variety of background (ex-corporate /sciences or early childhood education) and our unique interview process includes feedback from our students! In their every interaction with the students, their kindness, patience and keen desire to understand their students make them the childrens' best friends and mentors to bring the best out of each child.
Therefore, we believe that when we find teachers with Passion, Enthusiasm and a good Teamwork attitude, our training and coaching programme will quickly be able to allow them to embrace the creative and dynamic learning & teaching culture of Summer Academy where the teachers strive to create fantastic learning memories and the love for learning!

Our Curriculum and Programmes are specially selected to match our Philosophy. They are mainly selected from the UK, USA, Singapore and China.
The Goal of the programmes is to bring the best out of each student by developing their Self-Confidence and Leadership Skills so that they become Independent Learners, Critical Thinkers, Problem Solvers, Fantastic Communicators and Team Players.
Above all, we aim to create the Love and Joy of Learning. In Summer Academy, we believe that we have to help the students discover their talent and achieve their maximum potential. We are confident that by helping Summer Academy students gain Self-Confidence and Leadership Qualities, they will be ready to take up the challenge of reaching their Maximum Potential, Achieving their Dreams and making a Difference in the Real World.

Our English programme is from the U.K. This amazing programme is focused on Literacy. In the Early Years they will learn how to use Phonics to read and expand their vocabulary and imagination. The moment the students discover the magic of books is the moment the students start to open a book and read. the moment they will become independent learners. Once the students sees the magic of books, this is the moment that the students are eager and curious to write their own stories. This is when the magic of “creative writing” will be ignited. Learn English through stories, songs, creative writing, games, role-playing and performing art.

Our Mandarin programme is from Beijing, China. We believe that Mandarin is a beautiful language and we make it fun and interesting for the students to learn it so that they will continue learning it even after they have left our school. We believe that in order to master a language, you have to be exposed and use the language as much as possible. Hence, the students in Summer Academy are engaged in Mandarin conversations, role playing / performing art, Mandarin creative writing, Mandarin songs, games and dance & movement. Once the students realise the beauty of this amazing language, is the moment that the students appreciate, love and learn mandarin.

Summer Academy is in the process of developing its own BM programme where the emphasis is on the usage of this important language both orally and in written form. Students in Summer Academy are exposed to BM conversations, role playing / performing art, creative writing, songs and games. Furthermore, we explore and expose the Summer Academy students to the wonderful culture and background of the BM language.

Mathematics is a beautiful subject to learn. The Summer Academy students will become aware that whatever they learn in the classroom can be applied in the real World. How to make the connection between mathematics and the real World? In Summer Academy we do role-playing, hand-on activities, art and craft, pattern recognition and making mathematics understandable and FUN for the students. Wouldn’t you agree that mathematics is very important ?

The Leader in ME (TLIM)
Summer Academy is a “Leader in ME School”. TLIM is a programme derived from Stephen R. Covey’s famous book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Each student in Summer Academy is a Leader and can become a Leader. It’s a matter of teaching the students the mind-set of a Leader, the skills of a Leader and the habits of a Leader. And most importantly to give the students a platform where they can show-case their Leadership Skills in a safe environment.
Our school provides training to our team of wonderful teachers. Parents are also invited to attend various TLIM workshops and events where parents can apply the 7 habits as a family.

Music is an essential part of (pre) school education as Music Education has been proven to enhance brain development, learning of languages as well as acquisition of Mathematical Skills. Music Tree is an innovative Dual language (English and Mandarin) music appreciation programme that is delivered to the children over three years. Besides its engaging method of training children’s Listening Skills through Playing, Music Games, Story-Telling and Music & Movement, it also provides a Character Building component and encourages child participation and creativity. The programme is delivered through classroom teacher-student interaction as well as utilizing advanced technology in form of Mobile Apps and Games.

What is Music Tree? Here is an impression of a Music Tree class.
In Summer Academy the students are exposed to arts & craft, presentation skills and performing arts. Performing arts helps to build our students self-confidence, trust and independence. Children improve their communication and interpersonal skills as they learn to follow instructions, work as a team and express themselves verbally and using their body in front of an audience. It improves focus, memory & concentration, and enhance their sense of empathy. These are important soft skills of leadership. We encourage the students to explore their Creativity and their find their Strength. In Summer Academy we believe that each student is Unique and Special with Amazing Personality and Character.

2019 Concert "The Greatest Showman"
The Summer Academy concert is always a highlight of the year. This is how the students build up their self-confidence, learn how to work in a team, being exposed to performing art and most importantly, the students will have FUN!
2022 Concert "Beauty and the Beast"
The Summer Academy students' performances were spectacular and it is a memory they cherish for life!
Bel and JD on The LITE Breakfast session.

What parents say about Summer Academy

What does Family Ho say about SAPS?

What does Mrs Tu say about SAPS?

What does Lyn say about SAPS?